Enemy Ground
with Joris on Nov 14, 2007

  What did you do before answering these questions?

  Who are you and what’s your function in the band?
My name is Joris And I play the guitar in Enemy Ground.

A few weeks ago you found a new guitar player in Marijn from Samaritan is he a stand-in or a full member of the band?
Marijn can be seen as a full member of EG, were able to combine the shows with Samaritan and we make sure we won`t make any double bookings.

Is GSR-Music treating you nice? How do you notice it as a band?
GSR is doing their Job well, how we notice…lot’s of things we normally had to do on our own are in hands of GSR which makes it more comfortable for us as a band.

How did you hook up with GSR-Music?
We knew Theo from GSR already for a while and after he heard our album insufficient evidence we started talking about a deal.

What can we expect in the upcoming months?
We’ve planned a few shows in Holland/Belgium and Germany but we won’t give our crowd/fans an overkill as seen by other bands. That is why our shows are still hard agressief, because people don’t see us every weekend.

The best show you’ve ever played…
Pressure festival was pretty hard and there are many other shows were we got a very good response from the audience, because when the crowd goes wild it’s a good show for us.

The best album you’ve ever heard…
The album Recht uit de goot from the Skoelieboyz.

  Is there something I can weak you up for at night?
No, just let me sleep… best thing in life… sleeping.

  What are you going to do after answering these questions?

(Jeroen Habets)

© Rockezine.com Nov 14, 2007, viewed 3035 times since 666